Castle Zdar nad Sazavou

Virtual visit of the 2nd courtyard
Virtual visit of the 3rd courtyard

Museum of New Generation Museum of New Generation
Mission of the museum is to pass a rich story of the place through unconventional exhibitions, prepared by an international team of professionals assembled from many diff erent fi elds: history, architecture, art, music and audio visual production. You can look forward to exceptional video projection directly onto the exhibited statues. Through hearing and sight, you can experience the life in the Cistercian monastery, the history of Baroque architecture and culture, including its development right up until the present day.
The Virgin Mary with little Jesus The Virgin Mary with little Jesus
The Virgin Mary with little Jesus located in the first courtyard of the former monastery. This statue was created by a Prague sculptor M. V. Jäckl (1655-1738) before 1705. Around 1706 the same artist made an above-lifesize polychrome wood-carving of the Virgin Mary with little Jesus which is located in the prelature corridor.
The bell-tower The bell-tower
The bell-tower standing in the former Cistercian monastery is originally Renaissance structure restored in Baroque style. The bell-tower was built in a certain distance from the convent church, prelature and convent building to comply with the restiction on the usage of bells in the Cistercian order.
Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (former Convent church) Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and St. Nicolas (former Convent church)
From 1710 to 1722 the original Gothic church from the second half of the 13th century was rebuilt in the spirit of Baroque Gothic by J. B. Santini. This incorporation of a Baroque formation into a Gothic space is antoher example of Santini´s mastery. There are choir lofts with a precious Baroque organ on each side of the transept. The main altar as well as Virgin Mary´s atlar sculptural ornamentation is ascribed to Ř. Theny (1695-1759) and J. P. Čechpauer. The main altar painting is made by M. Willmann (1630-1706). The paintings of the other two altars are the work of the Italian painter Simon Gionimo (about 1655-?). Fragments of his murals which depict life of St. Bernard were transfered from the outer southern church wall to the convent cloister. There are other fragments of Late gothic mural paintings in the bresbytery in the northern chapel.
virtual visit of the interior
The Well Chapel The Well Chapel
This chapel is located in the former heavenly garden of the monastery quadrature established around 1260. It used to be the symbol of he monastery named Fons Beatae Mariae Virgins (The Well of the Blessed Virgin Mary). The well itself stands i nthe middle of a ten-sided centrally directed space surmounted with a wagon-vault. There is a forged iron construction which extends from the curb where used to be a stone statue of the Virgin Mary of the Well at the top. The symbol of this well is also depicted on the present town coat of arms.
Gallery of Baroque art Gallery of Baroque art
The gallery situated in the former convent house of castle contains paintings and sculptures from the collection of the National Gallery in Prague. This permanent exposition is based on names and works of the authors that are related to the age and work of Jan Santini Aichl. This brilliant architect deeply influenced the environment of the monastery in Zdar through its Baroque renovation. Content and arrangement of this collection of historical works evoke the atmosphere of Baroque art museums and monasteries.
virtual visit
The prelature of the former Cistercian monastery The prelature of the former Cistercian monastery
The prelature was built around 1727. The building was designed by J. B. Santini. The north wing was used by the academy for the nobility. There is a mural named „Heavenly blessedness of the Benedictines and Cistercians“ over the whole vaulting. It was painted by K. F. Töpper (1682-1738) in 1734.
Baroque stables Baroque stables (in fact, a riding-hall) located in the former Cistercian monastery. These stables belonged to the academy of science and horsemanship founded for the aristocratic youth. There were stables for nearly 80 horses. The vaulting decoration resembles a star net made in two layers of different colours. The building was designed by Santini. At present, it houses ceremonial hall.


  Zamek Zdar nad Sazavou
  Zamek 8

  591 02  Zdar nad Sazavou 2
  gsm +420 602 565 309



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